Whether your paddocks are full of weeds and you are struggling to grow nice grasses for your horses or you want to learn about hay feeding, track systems or equicentral systems. My workshop will cover all aspects of forage feeding (grass & hay) and the many options we have to do this in small as well as large spaces without the use of chemicals or fertilisers.
Your land can grow an abundance of food for your horses saving you a lot of money as well as getting you through winters with far less mud!
Change your bare, overgrazed, horse sick paddocks into a healthy meadow full of nutrients using horses to regenerate naturally!
Learn when to rest & when to graze and how to reduce your grazing recovery time from 6-12 months, to 6-8 weeks!

Paddock Paradise Track Systems Workshop

Saturday 30th November 2-4pm
I will be covering:

Setting up a track from scratch

Key things required to run a track

Hay, Hay feeding & hay storage

Regenerative grazing

Equicentral set ups

Worm management

Tour of my paddock paradise track system
Whether you are simply interested to learn more about tracks & equicentral set ups or want to learn more about grazing/weed management, this workshop is packed with information every horse owner will learn something from.
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