
Do you Suffer from Abdominal Separation?

Do you Suffer from Abdominal Separation?

Have you had a baby in the last 15years? 

Do you know what Abdominal Separation is?

Have you been checked for it? 

Abdominal separation is very common post pregnancy, even years and years after we have our last child. Awareness about the condition is much more well spread these days, so often our new mums know about this and also know if they suffer from it. However our mums with kids 5yrs + often aren’t aware of it and so I feel it is super important to spread this message and help our mummies heal something, they didn’t even know they had! Let alone that even existed! 


What are separated abdominal muscles?

During pregnancy, many women experience a separation of their stomach muscles (the rectus abdominis). This condition is known as Diastasis Recti.

Separated muscles do not tear or rupture, instead they thin out, creating a space in the abdomen. Little pain is involved, at least initially.

How common is abdominal separation?

The condition is fairly common during pregnancy. About one third of all pregnant women experience muscle separation at some point of their pregnancy, usually in the second to third trimester, due to rapid growth of the baby and the uterus, but it can also occur during labor and delivery.

Who is at risk?

Every pregnant woman is at risk of developing Diastasis Recti, however some women are more at risk than others. Risk factors include:

– Genetic links

– Previous pregnancy causing abdominal muscles to separate

– Multiple pregnancy

– Being overweight or obese

– Weak abdominal muscles before and during pregnancy

What are the symptoms of Diastasis Recti?

The separation itself is usually painless, however there are a few symptoms that will help identify the condition:

– a gap or space just below your navel

– a bump or ridge running from your breastbone down to your navel

What are the complications associated with Diastasis Recti?

If you are suffering from abdominal separation, it is important to take steps to encourage your muscles to reattach. This is best done through core strengthening exercises specifically designed for new mums. Please note that it is not recommended for new mums to do sit ups or crunches as they can cause more damage.

It is unlikely that the muscles will reattach on their own and they may actually continue to separate after you have given birth. If left untreated, abdominal separation can cause the following complications:

– Chronic lower back pain (due to weak/non functioning core muscles)

– Altered posture due to weak abdominal muscles which in turn leads to back pain

Is there something I can do to avoid my abdominal muscles to separate?

Yes, Abdominal Separation specific core strengthening exercises, like our 2 Week Tummy Transformation Program where our mums heal their separation by 1 finger per week on average (find out more about this HERE) can help strengthen your muscles and heal your separation. 

A separation of 3 fingers wide or more needs to be seen by a specialist! 

If you have concerns about your abdominal muscles I suggest asking your GP or women’s physio as they can check this for you!

Watch this video on how to self check your abdominal separation


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